Emiliano Consumati has joined SynTech Research as Field Testing Manager for Italy. He brings a wealth of experience and knowledge to us, having worked for 20 years in the Contract Research Organisation (CRO) business. He studied Earth Science, hydrogeology at the University of Ferrara and then spent three years in agricultural research, working for a sugar beet research organization.

Emiliano joined Agrisearch Italia in 2004, gaining further field research experience in GLP and GEP field testing. From 2008 he worked at Eurofins Agroscience Services Italy, in several roles within the organization, including  coordination of a multidisciplinary trials team conducting GLP Ecotox, Soil dissipation and rotational studies.

Emiliano can be contacted at econsumati@syntech.ntd.co.uk

Emiliano Consumati